Your top movie or tv show soundtracks (emotional)?

I love listening to non-vocal movie soundtracks. I might sound emo but the good ones have this ability to evoke intense emotion or bring you back into the moment in the film in a way that really grips you. What are some of your favorites? Note, not all of these are "audiophile" quality in the sense that they won't test your system the way demanding tracks will but nonetheless, you get what I mean. These are some of mine: 

  • Ladder 49 - Dennis' Funeral
  • Love Actually - Portugese Love Theme
  • Arrival - On the Nature by Daylight (Max Richter)
  • Inception - Time
  • Interstellar - No Time for Caution
  • Interstellar - Mountains
  • Batman Begins - Eptesicus
  • Batman Begins - Barbastella

Showing 1 response by nglazer

Soundtracks from Brideshead Revisited (the movie, not the PBS series); Never Let me Go (movie); and Calvary (movie). All heartrendingly gorgeous. Neal