Your Thoughts On The Newest POS

Fellow Members,

I was curious if anybody has demoed the new Schiit Mani 2 Phono Preamp?  I've read some fantastic reviews, and as usual with Schiit gear, the price is ridiculously low for the quality of the end product.  If you have heard the Mani 2, what are your thoughts and impressions?  What was the other gear in the sysyem with the Mani 2?  Thank you in advance for your comments and reviews -- good or bad.

When certain bloviating Audiogon Members disappear from the Forums for a long stretch of time, the exchanges become an incredible source of information AND inspiration for the novice and expert audio-lover alike.  Thank you to one and all who have answered my questions or given me advice over the past few years.  Your help has been greatly appreciated.


Showing 1 response by reubent

@allenf1963  - There is a recent post about the Schiit Mani 2 Phono Preamp in another thread here on A-goN. Here's the link: