Your Side by Side Experience With Best Vintage vs Newer Expensive Hi Tech Speakers

Has anyone here ever done a side by side comparison between Tannoy Autograph, Bozak Concert Hall Grand, EV Patrician, Jensen Imperial Triaxial, Goodmans, Stentorian, Western Electric, Altec A4, Jbl Everest/Hartsfield/Summit/Paragon/4435, Tannoy Westminsters, Klipschorns vs the Hundreds of Thousand even Million Dollar speakers of today like Totems, Sonus Farber, BW, Cabasse, Wilsons, Dmt, Infinity, Polk ...etc

Showing 14 responses by vinny55

@michaelgreenaudio your bang on to what ive been thinking. Audio has gone down the proverbial dumpster. Today its all about audio jewellery than audio musicality. Whos got the nicest most expensive toy.
Can i get your opinion about turntables and tonearms in my other post. Modern turntables Tonearms and to lesser extent have really confused the heck out of me. Should i spend tens of thousands to what many claim are the best tonearms and spaceage turntables or insanely priced cartridges that cost more than a new car? Will it make a major sonic difference?
@willieva 40-55 years vintage from 50s-80s the big monster patricians bozaks jbl hartsfields klipschorns jensen imperials stephens Tannoy autographs altec A5/7/9 date from the 50s
@tomic601 i got me a pair the other day.  Some say sweeter than the famous Ar3as
If you can afford it and have the room invest in Tannoy Autographs. Best Cabinets ever designed. Could take up to a year to build and tune properly. The music and depth out of those Gold speakers lingers to this day in my mind
Along @michaelgreenaudio comments. Tuning is prime importance. That enclosure has to be in psynch with that woofer. It has to be fine tuned to your drivers to really sing. To the room size too right Michael.
Thanks @michaelgreenaudio your bang on and doing a great service. You think outside the box and have a wide viewing audio mind. Thanks for instructing us the importance of audio tuning. I had read about rudimentary concept in an old scott 1950s brochure about tuning your speakers or was it out of phase. I forget now lol. Michael Your taking it to a higher level. Kudos.

Thank you  @trelja  i had read same thing recently on old thread in another audio site. Scott tube integrated owners wondered why their equipment didnt sound warm after servicing or didnt sound great after purchasing it used. Because their tech had changed the original resistors. I did not know this prior to few days ago. Its such an important detail that the normal audio hobbyist probably doesnt know including myself until few days ago. Maybe technicians are unaware.
So would you suggest keeping the original carbon composition resistors for vintage and changing the modern tube amps resistors?
today what are the best sweet sounding resistors and what brands do you suggest if your building an amplifier from scratch or if you would be repairing an old neglected tube integrated. 

If by necessity you had to replace a resistor in a vintage tube or transistor resistor due to faulty can you find an ideal modern equivalent to the vintage original resistor?

What about if your repairing an old Luxman Marantz or Sansui ss amplifier or solid state receiver?

What do you recommend i tell the technician:
I need to get my Scott tube integrated 299D overhauled and Sansui P2020 tube integrated amp checked and wiring work done.

My friend is getting The massive Ampzilla amplifier refurbished 

@steve59 i doubt it. People still pay big bucks for Jbl 077/075/2405 jensen rp302 and Ev t35s.. why? Because they are phenomenal sounding
@kosst_amojan  Saul Marantz, Sidney, Fisher hhscott and M Buongiorno, Carver, S Hegeman, David Hafler all used tonecontrols so i guess they were all idiots and didnt have a clue about Audio.
No tone controls is a total useless restriction imposed in audio. Whoever decided to implement this no tone controls  concept has shortchanged the audio world and brainwashed many