Your Side by Side Experience With Best Vintage vs Newer Expensive Hi Tech Speakers

Has anyone here ever done a side by side comparison between Tannoy Autograph, Bozak Concert Hall Grand, EV Patrician, Jensen Imperial Triaxial, Goodmans, Stentorian, Western Electric, Altec A4, Jbl Everest/Hartsfield/Summit/Paragon/4435, Tannoy Westminsters, Klipschorns vs the Hundreds of Thousand even Million Dollar speakers of today like Totems, Sonus Farber, BW, Cabasse, Wilsons, Dmt, Infinity, Polk ...etc

Showing 1 response by phusis

The problem with the argument of the advance of technology and how it has been to the sonic betterment of modern speakers largely roots in how it relates to different speaker principles when comparing different eras here. Vintage speakers, certainly over 50-60 years ago, had a closer tie to the necessity of plain old physics in being much larger, and usually horn-driven. The frequency extremes weren’t the highest priority as opposed to what was in between, but while their size and principle came as a natural necessity out of the lack of amp power at the time, size and the adherence to physics is also indispensable in emulating acoustic live sound characteristics - there’s no way around it. Moreover, at the time a sound reproduction system wasn’t something one could easily tuck away, but neither did the mentality call for it nor did physical stature allow it. There was a certain pride in the big pieces of furniture as natural centerpieces almost in the homes they were found, whereas now and for the latest decades interior design dictates for such systems to be a secondary consideration and being in line with the existing decoration; movies are eager to display a B&O console and speakers as that which is found in wealthier homes, but you rarely if ever see a dedicated and space consuming stereo take up the picture. Even when audiophiles may resort to dedicated listening rooms the bi-products of transistor amps in some incarnation are still in full manifestation with overall smaller, direct radiating speakers.

It seems that neither era will come to a fuller fruition, and hence an overall advance to truly speak of, unless the hallmarks of each are combined - that is, for physics to be accommodated while technology joins along. Those that blindly states modern speakers qua being modern are automatically more transparent and uninhibited in their presentation compared to vintage speakers (or their modern iterations) are simply oblivious to the lack the of context and a fuller picture. I’d claim that audio in some, and more fundamental respects have been in a decline that took its full measure decades ago, and the advance in technology can’t alleviate this within the existing paradigm.