Your Opinion ....merits of a Shunyata Sigma Pwer Cord HC on a LIne conditioner

I was considering that power cord for my line conditioner which is toroidal based. I was wondering based on the construction of the cord ;  what effect did that cord have on your line conditioner itself ? Does anyone use that power cord with a non-based Shunyata line conditioner and what was your sonic opinion ? is the Sigma HC on a solid state amplifier ? I could use it two different applications. Thank you in advance.  

Showing 3 responses by garebear

…. I also obviously do not know how to use spell check or type efficiently !
....thank you Ms Elizabeth as your experience is always welcome and useful. I have an aftermarket power cord on my line conditioner now ; I was inquiring on what an opinion would be from someone who actually has a Shunyata Sigma HC in their system now. That's what I was looking for.....