Your Opinion: Coincident Vs. Silverline?

Hi, I'd appreciate your opinions on Coincident speakers and Silverline speakers in general for a system I'm putting together. I listen mostly to jazz and rock at moderate volume levels and what I appreciate is a transparent, detailed, musical presentation. My budget is flexible, the only stipulation is the speakers would need to be fairly close (12" max) to the rear wall and my listening room has furniture and all maner of things in a normal living room. Thanks!

Showing 3 responses by mapleleafs3

David12 . I belive you have beem misled. The side firing woffer are a plus, not a negative. I suggest you will be happier with a Super Eclipse VS the Sonata's. Have heard them both and the SE is better by far.
I own Coincident speakers and have heard the Silverline Sonata's and some of their other models. Both are very nice and will give you speakers you can live with for a long time.

For your room I would go with Coincidents, the Side firing woffers will give you more flexibility. I have mine about 18
" from the the side wall.

The Super Eclipse are as good a speaker as you can buy . Great value for you money. Thier high Efficinency will also allow you a very wide choice of amps.

You cant go wrong with either brand.
The Coincident will work just as well in clsoe wall. Mine are 18 incheds from back wall and 6" from sides. Not optimum , but they still sound great.