Your not a serious audiophile I'd you have??????

Let's start a coversation kinda tongue in cheek about this question. Also lets comment on the other way around . Your not a serious audiophile if you don't have ????? I will post my thoughts after several others have posted. Mike

Showing 5 responses by meerzistar

Unless you have at least three of everything in regular or semi regular rotation at any given time. I suppose having three systems certainly counts for the same.

And I thought of another as I typed on. Unless you are continuously contemplating room acoustic tweaks that can be easily passed off or easily even disguised when sharing a space. 

A members post in my other topic helped inspire the later. "plants make good  defusors", nice grab. I remember reading that somewhere else and forgot to try it before forgetting about it altogether.      
"Posts older than 30 minutes cannot be edited" Oh wise guy, I see how its like. I finally catch one in time then get denied.  
Your wifes certainly not an audiophile if she doesn't notice the visible/audible differences between $1000 and $3500 speakers.
Lost a remote control that used to belong to said mentioned beloved electronic gracing advertisement.
If you have not yet incorporated the kitchen sink to potentially enhance your listening experience some way or another :P

Interesting idea this person has using the exercise steppers for isolation. Filled with water or sand he might be on to something there