Your method for discovering great music.

I'm in a slump. It has been a while since I've discovered new music that I really like. And when I say "new" I mean new to me. Maybe even rediscovered would count as new.

I do not have a method. I usually stumble into new music that I like. I also don't have loads of hours to sort through tons of stuff I don't like. Plus I find that random sort of pursuit to be frustrating and unrewarding most of the time.

Amazon Music had half decent 'recommended for you' lists but I don't recall if that ever paid off. I use Qobuz now which sucks in that particular department.

I've found a few bands that I like from recommendations here at Audiogon but I have not been here much lately.

So I'm curious as to how some of you approach that search for great music that is either actually new, new to you or rediscovered.


Showing 7 responses by tyray


Great thread OP!!! Do you listen to vinyl or CD? Well, even if you don’t, I do like Discogs for research. I like to look at granular facts about an album, like where it was recorded, record label, release data, who mastered it and so on. Discogs lets you link right to other albums, for example, that might be mastered by the same people. I highly recommend playing with the features in Discogs.

Since I’m not a streamer yet, I used to do a lot of crate digging, before covid that is. No Roon, Qobuz,Tidal, or Spotify.

But I’m also fortunate enough to live in area where 91.9 WCLK The Jazz of The City at Clark Atlanta University and a few ’underground’ college stations such as Georgia State's Album 88 keeps me tuned in.

Does anybody listen to FM radio in the car anymore? And you here something you like and you check the radio stations playlist?

You know you’re getting older when you see ’St. Paul and the Broken Bones’ and you think this is the guy St. Paul, who is a member of the group ’The Family’ one of Prince’s spin off bands...


I got two Brazil drummers or should I say percussionist for you.

Airto Moreira and Dom Um Romão. Check ’em out.☺

I think you just might like ’em, if you don't already...


Same for India...

My thoughts exactly, as India was once part of Persia. This music is hauntingly similar. Perhaps the absence of drums, bells and chimes is an example of a single artist/masters performance of a particular instrument to be recorded for posterity or the sheer delight of the recording engineer/producer.


Did you try the AM stations?...:) Just kidding☺



It used to be that way but take a look at @mahgister’s post on this thread and press play. You will see he has posted an active video link of a particular artist with added commentary. Scroll back and press play on the YouTube video @mahgister took the time to post and write about.

I don't know about jazz. 

It's been right in front of you all this time and you haven't noticed it.

On this very agon site many post on Jazz for aficionados everyday a ton of music and have been doing so since 2/24/2013.

Only recently has the moderators made it possible to post active music links from YouTube.

Some of us don’t need a lot of commentary when being introduced to new music.

All I need is for someone to say, check this out, then after I’ve heard the (album) tunes then we can talk. You are mistaken if you think there is no communication between the posters there. Take a closer look.

Go on, take another look at Jazz for aficionados and click last, then go backwards and you will find so much new ’active’ content and commentary it will take you hours or even days to get through it all. And there is some serious music presented there.

Check it out, remember to click last and go backwards until you get what it is I’m talking about and let me know what you think. Now if you don't like Jazz...


This is from the 1973 Weather Report album 'Sweetnighter'. I didn't even know who Dom was or had anything to do with Brazil. I just thought he was an guy from India by his percussive style and his dark Brazilian skin tone. He's the cat on the bottom left. Now this is how you share music here on Agon with others...Tchao



Here’s a link to an internet radio station a member shared with me last night. Looks quite promising! 

The Jazz Groove

Ad one more link just for fun:

WCLK The Jazz of The City - Clark Atlanta University

Please, share your links with us here as Audiogon now has a way to make it easy to share your internet station links. Just press the ’link’ above, click ok, the URL will auto populate and then type in the text you want your link to be! That's it!  Why didn’t I think of this before? Thanks OP n80 for this thread!