Your last concert was to see who and when?

Pretty simple, what and when was your last concert?
This past weekend The Peter Karp Band. Bluesy/rocky/twangy music from a talented trio at a newish venue in Woodstock, GA, Madlife Stage & Studios. I knew and liked Peter from the two releases he did with Sue Foley. Great music and venue!
AC/DC  in Columbus Ohio about a month ago. 
 It was a reschedule date from this spring . Axl did a hell of a job BTW..... I wasn't disappointed at all! 
Oct 7-9 -- Bob Dylan, Rolling Stones, Neil Young, Paul McCartney, The Who, Roger Waters in Indio CA at Desert Trip
Last Friday, Jerry Douglas in Portland Oregon. There are two main strains in Bluegrass---Traditional, and Progressive. Jerry as a sideman (Alison Krauss, Iris Dement, Dolly Parton, hundreds of others) is involved in the Traditional wing. As a soloist/bandleader, he is more Progressive. While his dobro playing was fantastic on Friday, I didn't like his band or the music very much. There were no real "songs", just some chords strung together to give a structure for the instrumentalists to play off of, know what I mean? The band was too jazzy for my taste, the guitarist playing in "flurry of notes" style---no phrasing, no lyricism, no elegance or poetry. The drummer, though very accomplished technically and fairly musical, was way too busy for my taste, to the point of distraction. That's just my taste though, admittedly. I'm all about songs, and playing for them. I also love Bluegrass harmony, of which none was heard that night. A big disappointment, unfortunately. Still love Jerry's playing though!
I've had a pretty good week. Heard "What's so Funny About Peace, Love and Understanding" and "Allison" twice this week!

Oct 17 - Elivs Costello at the Ryman Auditorium in Nashville

Oct 19 - Nick Lowe at The 20th Century Theater in Cincinnati