Your last concert was to see who and when?

Pretty simple, what and when was your last concert?

Showing 2 responses by qdrone

While on holiday in Cleveland Ohio I caught The Tubes at The Tangiers in Akron. They were fantastic and this band is still tight and their more of a show than a music concert. Roger Steen and Prarie Prince are masters at their instrument's and Fee with all his costume changes still has it. Great show, and enjoyed chewing the fat at the meet and greet afterwards.
Caught Paul Rodgers on Valentine's Day and his vice is as strong as ever. The concert was basically Bad Company material with two songs from Free one from The Firm and a cover of Albert Kings Born under a Bad Sign. The band was awesome it sounded like you had just cranked up the stereo. They did all the songs that ruled the fm daily during their run. If you have a Jones to hear some Bad Co. Or if you never saw them like me then go,you will not be disapointed.