Your favourite recording label?

Is there a a label you have found pretty much infallible? I mean by this, you could buy any CD or record and know you will enjoy it, both for the music, most important and recording quality. I am not including here, reissue labels like Speakers Corner. We are talking of new recordings and music

I have found a number which nealy hit that mark. In no particular order, Linn, Waterlilly, ECM and Opus 3.

My top pick is without a doubt, the German label Stockfisch. That is partly because they major on Singer, Songwriters, a genre I love. My favourite artists on the label are;
Sara K
David Munyon,
Allan Taylor
Eugene Ruffulo
Chris Jones
There are other excellent artists to and good compilations you could start with. My favourite of all, Sara K "Waterfalls"

So do you have a favourite label?

Showing 2 responses by david12

Some excellent suggestions here. The problem with some "Audiophile" labels is of course, the music. Some labels have excellent recordings, but the music is pretty forgetable. I would include Naim in this, though as always, there are exceptions. With Naim, it would be anything by Antonio Forcione.
Chavro, I couldn't agree more. I have the late Beethoven Quartets by Quaterto Italiano, one of my favourite recordings. I was trying to look for current releases, more than historical recordings and labels, in my original post.

If you are considering historical labels, then I may be prejudiced being British, but look no further than Decca and HMV. For me the great era of Classical recordings was on the SXL and ASD pressings respectively, of these two great companies, in the late 50's, 60's and 70's. As far as I know, you are deprived of easy access to their output. I am not sure how many recordings reached the US, not as many as here I am sure. You can still find countless thousands of them in second hand record stores here. The sustained high quality of recording and pressing over decades, has never been matched as far as I am concerned. The current favourite choice seems to be Decca, but I have always had a preference for HMV myself.