Your favorites amplifiers for their visual look ?


Most of us chose an amp for it's musicality.

But if you would chose your amplifiers for it's visual aesthetic, some great looking amplifiers, metal or wood face plate, which ones you would chose ?

Myself I would chose a Pass Lab amp, for a metal face plate. And the Sonus Faber Musica Integrated Amplifier, for a wood face place.





Showing 2 responses by jax2

To my eyes, not even remotely any contest whatsoever: Electronluv...nothing else even comes close on visual looks.
Hey Jax2......I'm sure there's some coffee machines in those photos?

Those'd be some mighty expensive coffee machines! I do love the style of coffee machines that I think you're referencing too (I'm a coffee junkie too), though not as beautiful as Stipich's creations. If you think those are wild, check out his preamps and speakers. Buck Rogers meets Dr. Seuss! I love'em! That is extraordinary design and a beautiful thing to behold to my eyes.