Your favorite recent discovery

What Group or Artist have you discovered in the last few months? Doesn't have to be a new artist, just new to you.
Looking for some ideas.

Showing 6 responses by jewel_hasan

Jane Birkin, Rendez-Vous -

BBC - "The queen of sophisticated grown-up Gallic pop returns with an album of collaborations that are as timeless as they are contemporary..."
Pollywog - I too discovered Lhasa a few weeks ago at BBC (my favorite music website) world music reviews -- the sexiest female voice to come out since Chavella Vergas. A very good find...
This CD was released back in sept/oct 2003 so perhaps not so new to many here, however, I only came upon it last week - Joshua Bell's "Romance of the Violin".

PS: I also liked Jond and Tracer's picks above, just based on clips at amazon.
Jax2 - I'm familiar with Madredeus. I have their Antologia CD. Another artist alone these lines is Emma Shapplin. I like her "Carmine Meo" CD.

Thanks for the recommendation. Qalan Kar - I found a used, pricey copy ($21.95) at amazon. Wonderful stuff but I think, for me at least, this one might fall into the "very specific mood" category as it is almost all percussion. But yes I agree, it's a great find. I also noticed that you recommended Lhasa in another thread I had I. It is always a treat to find people with similar taste especially here, among the purists.

Marco, Yes Lhasa's "Living Road" CD it still listed as an import but available at Amazon for a hefty $26. Although I saw an used copy for $15 at the same site. Another CD I just re-discovered (at a friends hoouse) last week. It is the sound track from "In The Mood For Love" movie. I don't know if you saw the movie, it is one of these movies that even if it were a silent movie, one could not help but like it. You can listen to sound clips at amazon. I'm about order it.
