Your favorite J.S. Bach

On 28 July 1750 J.S.Bach died. Lets hear what are you going to "spin" tonight to celebrate the remembrance to one of the greatest gifts to humanity?!

Goldberg Variations by Vladimir Feltsman (please listen to the 1. Aria)
I am not trying to turn this thread in another direction, but what is the difference between an athiest and an "aggressive athiest"?
St. Matthew Passion, Gardiner is my long standing favourite, nowadays, however, I listen more the St. Johannes Passion, Harnancourt.
Goldberg Variations - Glenn Gould second version (first is still good)
4th partita - Willian Kappel
Cello Suits - Paolo Beschi on Winter&Winter (this is pretty much the best quality recording ive ever hear) recorded on period baroque cello with no processing in an italian sounds pretty much perfect, and the performance is excellent.
Another vote for Nathan Milstein's sonatas and partitas.

I'm also partial to the cello suites, but I prefer Starker's readings on Mercury.