Your favorite 'concept' album

I'm not a concept album fan, however there are a few I've gone down the rabbit hole with. My personal fave, is '10,000 Years' by The Honeydogs. The backstory & lyrics are so vivid, and futuristic, it never fails to reveal something new to me. Even the bandleader said at times he's not sure what it's about.

Fascinating info & interview in the url. Check it out! 

Any others? 

Showing 2 responses by alexatpos

Will skip the obvious one like 'Tubular bells' and post Tangerine Dream's


On somewhat lighter note

Brian Eno 'Apollo'
Certainly not my favourites but it might be interesting to some...

Fairport Convention 'Babbacombe Lee'

Jethro Tull 'Thick as a brick'