Your Favorite Austin City Limits

Eric Taylor was on Austin City Limits last night and I was reminded how many great performances there were on that show week after week. For me, two shows really stand out: Stevie Ray Vaughn and the Allman Brothers. SRV played with so much feeling so effortlessly that it seemed like he was drawing inspiration and grace right out of the air -- if there is a muse, I experienced it's manifestation.

What about you? What are the great shows? Have you "discovered" new music you didn't hear before? Are you addicted?

Showing 1 response by paulwp

Ahem, Shelby Lynne. I don't know where the rest of you are coming from, but I was transfixed. Glad my wife wasnt around. ;-) BTW, Shelby's sister will be on the show in a few weeks:

As far as music is concerned, I expect my favorite to be the upcoming appearance by Los Lobos, October 26, with music from their new album.