I agree, proper setup will aid imaging and soundstaging more than a new set of speaker cables.
Your expertise, please
I'm looking for more transparency, and to solidify & push back the soundstage. It seemed that my speaker wires could be the weakest link. I'm thinking about the Red Dawn II cable because it should increase transparency while I maintain the warmth running tubes pre-amp and amp. Would it help with the soundstage issue? The stage is a little too forward right now, I've tried repositioning the speakers. Are there other cables u would consider? How are the Synergistics with active shielding? (real or gimmick?)
Ayre CX-7; Sony 999ES SACD
Kimber Silver Streak interconnect to
Cary SPL-308 Pre-amp
Red Dawn interconnect to
Audio Reaserch VS 110 Amp
Audioquest Slate Biwire
B&W Signature 805s
Ayre CX-7; Sony 999ES SACD
Kimber Silver Streak interconnect to
Cary SPL-308 Pre-amp
Red Dawn interconnect to
Audio Reaserch VS 110 Amp
Audioquest Slate Biwire
B&W Signature 805s