Your experiences with system synergy

Hi All -

Over the weekend, I had the opportunity to demo a top of the line tube amp in my system. This is a summit piece that many audiophiles would consider and end game piece. I was ready to open my wallet and spend a big chunk of money to upgrade my system. 

Upon arrival at my home, I set this tube amp and sat back to experience the magic. To my surprise, the amp sounded good, but it did not best my far less expensive current tube amp. I played with speaker placement and demoed lots of different styles of music to find the magic. 

Eventually, I plugged my own amp in, the one I was expecting to replace, and there was an immediate sense of rightness. It was if I’d introduced a new dancing partner to my current system and they just could not match rhythms on the dance floor.  Now, to be clear, my current system has great components. I don’t think there is a weak link in the system. Thus, I thought the end game amp would be revelatory and transformational, but it wasn’t. 

It made me realize the profound importance of system synergy. 

I’m wondering if others have had this moment or epiphany when introducing a vaunted and desirable component into their system just be sort of utterly disappointed? 


Showing 4 responses by bluethinker66

@vonhelmholtz - Yes, exactly. It's a larger room with higher ceilings. I've been going to many nice hi-fi shops and after leaving I've thought "I guess my system does really sound good" because I've left disappointed in what I heard just demoed.

Grisley Butter provided my system (thank you!), but I'll put it here again, below. I'll also post on my profile. 

Innuos ZENith 
Merason DAC1
Linear Tube Audio Microzotl Preamp 
Qualiton / Audio Hungary 100 watt power tube amp 
Puritan 136 purifier 
Cardas Cygnus speaker cables 
Cardas Clear interconnect 


@motown-l - On topic, would you mind sharing your speakers and amps? I'm curious where others have found a great matching... and which dance partner is a little bit more forward and... a little more laid back. ;-) 

@tablejockey - That's a practical way to think about it. I'd never demoed the tube amp (Audio Hungary) before I picked it up. It was COVID, so visiting some hi-fi shops was a bit impractical then... 

But yes, it was a reminder that sometimes the subtleties of these components can often be minor. 




@knotscott - I posted my system in the thread. And my friend @grislybutter was kind enough to post it as well. 

The amp I demoed was a used ConradJohnson Art 150 power tube amp. To be clear, it was a great sounding amp! I had it until last night and was really appreciating Bossa Nova music with it. 

For whatever reason, though, it didn't quite capture a certain sound that seduces me. What I've heard is that many modern tube amps are sounding a little bit like SS amps. I think it's because they are voiced pretty neutrally, right? 

I think I'm just a sucker for more rounded edges... and an ethereal sound that I associate with a "tooby amp"