Your experience with Collectorz database...?

With an expanding collection of LPs and CDs, I'm interested in some sort of database to manage the collection. I'm curious about others' experience with the Collectorz database and, more generally, interested in advice regarding software for keeping tract of a collection. I like how my iTunes connects to a external database for info whenever I upload a CD. Want that capability and am curious how people work with LPs in this regard. Thanks!
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Showing 1 response by jazdoc


I've recently purchased and started using Collectorz. It is clearly easier to enter CD/DVD/SACD data when compared to vinyl.

I have found a found a way around the data entry problem: I am paying my 13 year old son to enter the data. In the last three weeks, he has entered my entire CD collection (~700) and 300 LP's. He should finish the rest of the LP collection (~1200) by the time he heads back to school and will have saved enough for the nice electric guitar he's been wanting.
