Your Computer Based Transport Setup

I am on the verge of moving to a Mac or Windows based transport setup but I am not sure which route to go.

I am pretty good with computers so a custom pc setup is what I have decided because of:

1. economically better than packaged music server
2. ability to experiment and change settings and software

However, I do not see a lot of info or thoughts on peoples computer based transport setups, (or ones that or pretty recent considering how fast the computer landscape changes so fast)

I will be going through a Chordette QuteHD dac to a Bryston 4b SST amp.

So, what is a good looking and performing computer setup?
Do you like mac mini's, big macs, windows 7 or 8 and any pro's and cons?

I am leaning towards a mac mini with something like audirvana. The mini is a nice looking small format and the OS is pretty solid and it runs quiet and cool from my experience.

Thank you fellow computerphiles.

Showing 2 responses by audioengr

I recommend Oct. 2009 Mac Mini with SSD and 8 gigs DRAM. Put Amarra on it and rip CD's with XLD. Use the USB port next to the one centered on the box. You can add a Hynes Mac Mini power supply later at $900 to improve dynamics. I have won several best of shows with this configuration.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
The Mini really needs a new DC linear supply. Makes a huge difference. You can either mod a new one to remove the SMPS and put a connector on it or just get the 2009. 2009 is easier and actually sounds better. I have compared them, both with linear supplies.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio