Your Best Vinyl Memory

I am getting a bit nostalgic by looking over the recent threads on songs or bands from the great 80's. So I thought I would start a new one.

My greatest memory involving vinyl was when I was in High School with my first true love. My best friend and I were dating girls that were also best friends. Our first date ended with some romantic moments to the Peter Cetera Album. I have never been able to listen to Cetera again without thinking back at those moments.

How else has music made an impact on your life??????

Showing 1 response by onemalt

My best vinyl memory is fairly recent. Like many, I had almost totally replaced my LP listening with CDs. While I never got rid of my TT or LPs,, I went through a period of many years where the the playing of an LP was a rare event. Then, about a year and a half ago, my best friend bought a new TT. As a "TT warming", I bought him a copy of the then just released Cisco 30th anniversary pressing of Steely Dan's Aja. In that I also love that album, I purchased one for myself as well.
You all can probably see where this is heading. My first listening was magic! I was totally blown away by what I was hearing. I couldn't believe that a format that I had all but forsaken could sound so good. Needless to say in the time since, I've acquired a new TT rig and about 150 new albums. Just recently, I bought a new CDP and my main criteria was how analog sounding it was - could it keep up with this wonderful "new/old" sound that I had rediscovered.