Your best picks for 2006 Best Speakers under 4K.

As we are approaching mid year 2006, maybe we can have a list of the 3 best speakers you've heard for this year. I havent gotten around to listening much, hope to later this year.
So what are your 3 best under 4K?
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If you don't count the recommended Path Stands, the Intuitive Design Summits are ~$3500. Path Stands are ~$1400. Best speakers by far that I've heard anywhere near that price, and quite probably the best I've ever heard at any price (the only one I'm not absolutely sure about is the old Audio Physic Caldera, but I think the Summits would probably sound better than even those legends in a shoot-out).
Thats easy. hands down in a good sized room full standers.
No other speaker holds a candle next to these two for under $3000.

Spendor S8e
Usher CP-6371

Smaller room is a differant story i'm sure.
for around 4k, the totem mani 2's, around 2k the totem model 1's. i listen to these every day. 3rd pick would be Von schweikert VR 4 Jr's.