Your ''best kept secret'' speaker choice ?

Some manufacturers have the financial means to plaster magazines with ads. For other, they are still at the word-of-mouth stage, and many will not get past this line.

I was wondering what less-than-well-known, or obscure speaker out there stand out as particularly gifted both in sonics and value ? Could be in any price category....

Showing 1 response by gregm

When talking of full-range, world class speakers, DIY must be the only secret for the mediocre wallet; there are many choices. Here are but a few, and I strongly urge a visit: The incontestable magician of open baffle speakers and crossovers (i.e. L/R x-over, Audio Artistry speakers) -- i.e. dynamic speakers with the speed of stators and bass to match.. (An A'goner, steved, has built these) following up on a previous post; With a Raven II tweet & ATC units thereafter.

Last, but FAR from least, do check out the (in)famous Ariel:

While none of these designs are cheap, some of them are very extravagant indeed. Aimed at those who cannot afford the commercial equivalents (running easily over 20k).
