Your ''best kept secret'' speaker choice ?

Some manufacturers have the financial means to plaster magazines with ads. For other, they are still at the word-of-mouth stage, and many will not get past this line.

I was wondering what less-than-well-known, or obscure speaker out there stand out as particularly gifted both in sonics and value ? Could be in any price category....

Showing 1 response by feke67

Celestion Model 3: If SMALL cabinets (bookshelf) are what you are in need of, then go back a few years and find a used pair of Celestion Model 3 speakers. They sound SO MUCH bigger than their 5" woofer size and the metal dome isn't over-bearing like others of the era......

Detail, air and soundstage is so much larger than their small size. Used, you should find them for $30 (Craigslist) to $125 (Audiogon) pair.