You're selling that? But you just got it

This post is for all you guys that have a SO or wife that sometimes gives you a hard time about the audio addiction. Wives rarely understand this hobby and often object to the expense. It doesn't help that for some reason woman are generally less into music and almost never excited by shiny electronics. So I thought I'd share what worked for me.

My wife was on board with the initial equipment I purchased several years ago when I first got back into hifi after a long break, but she definately was perplexed by any box switching after that and objected to the money spent.

At one point I had a little talk with her and her objections were permanently silenced. The problem was, she just did not understand the hobby. She was under the impression that the hobby was entirely about listening to music. Once you purchased a nice system, you just bought music and enjoyed. While buying and listening to music is also a hobby and also one I enjoy very much, the pursuit of hifi is a different hobby. That's what she did not understand. Once I explained to her that experimenting with different components and various tweaks was all part of the hobby that is the pursuit of hifi perfection, she understood what I was doing. It made sense to her and she stopped objecting. The box swapping IS the hobby. That's what the hobby is! Changing things up in a never ending pursuit to improve the sound quality. The wives and girlfriends just do not understand this unless you explain it to them. It also helps if you explain how you buy and sell used equipment with minimal financial loss. And if you compare the expense (and time spent) to friends that are into golf, lol. You're at home, golfers are never home.

BTW, I'm not talking about crazy box swappers that never even let the dust settle on a piece of equipment. There is no defense for that.

Showing 2 responses by davehrab

"The wives and girlfriends just do not understand this unless you explain it to them. It also helps if you explain how you buy and sell used equipment with minimal financial loss."

The easist way to impress a women is to tell her "how much you saved"

Women key in on saving and discounts as they do their comparative shopping before pulling the trigger

Never tell her what you spent ... tell her what you saved ... she'll be more impressed

Hi honey I just bought this turn table for $10000 ... or

Hi honey I just saved $5000 on this turn table ... now she's impressed because the $5000 you saved will buy her a lot of shoes

"watch out, she will quickly add a few additional pair's once you bring up this issue."

There is an easy way to counter this action

Just adopt a policy similar to Nuclear Disarmament ... for every pair of shoes she buys ... she must throw two pairs out

Jewelry is also a great equalizer ... I just bought my wife a Mood Ring ... works really well ... when she is in a good mood it glow bright green ... and when she is in a Bad mood it leaves a Red mark in the middle of my Freak'en forehead

HTH Dave

RW ... that's only half the story

My wife reminded me it was our 32 wedding anniversary and demanded something that was shinny and would go from 0 to 150 in 4 seconds

So I bought her a bathroom scale and that's how I found out how the mood ring worked