You got to show me something more!

Okay, one thread has a group of folks dissin' the Ken Burns Jazz series on PBS. Another thread under Rock Systems has a writer that suggests Jazz merely "jerks around."

To each his/her own, but do you folks even have a clue what constitutes good music?

Rather than spending thousands of dollars on audio gear, perhaps many of you would do yourself a greater service by enrolling in a course in music appreciation. Doing so might actually enhance your appreciatiation of Jazz, and what is probably the most technically challenging, and soul revealing music ever created! Enjoy!

Showing 1 response by tubegroover

You got that right Robba. Why not "Classic" (to reference good music) instead of pidgeon holing all music prior to Jazz "Classical"? Classical is an era. People need to get it right but "got to be carefully taught", which they are not. It gets confusing for the layman when you try to explain. unhuh....what in the hell are you talking about?