YG Anat Professional owners

1. What speakers did you own before you brought the YG Anats?

2. What about the YG Anats appealed to you?

3. What are amp are you using to drive them?

4. How well do the speakers disappear, I mean really disappear acoustically?

Thank you in advance for your answers. Was really trying to make the RMAF to hear them, but could not. The owner Yoav is a very personable and knowledgeable guy on the phone.
The best sounding ANATs I have heard were in the Synergistic Research suite at CES using all their cabling and all Esoteric electronics on StillPoints racks and component stands.
Argyro - Sir,
I am not so sure if the YG Room with the Emmiter & dCS had the Flow Cables from Argento.
I was under the impression that the cable was Serenity Master Ref.
The Flow was launched @ MOC - Munich - 2009 & I remember seeing it & hearing it in the Tidal Room.
I can check the pictures & send them to you. I am sure I have them some where.
Just a small clarification...
schwinnaudio com
I have a pair of YG Anat Reference II Studios, now driven by a Burmester 911 Mk 3 amplifier and a Krell Evo 202 preamp, with Kimber Select cabling in the signal path (KS 3033 to the speakers, KS 1136 inverted from pre to amp, and KS 1130 from a Meridian 808.2 to the preamp). My previous speakers were a pair of Sonus Faber Amatis, with various amplifiers and preamplifiers, both solid state and tubed, over the years. The YG speakers and system are a genuine sonic improvement over anything I have previously owned. The bass is an obvious place to start a comparison, but suffice it for me to say that with the Anats comparison is best made to live music rather than to some other set of speakers. As a hobbyist, of course, I am still not entirely satisified, even though some of my CDs sound like live music. My next attempt at improvement will focus on feeding the Burmester amp with a more synergistic signal, which, I think, means acquiring a Burmester preamp. Another alternative would be to replace the Burmester amp with a Krell amp connected by CAST to my Krell preamp. I hope to experiment with both options.
I have the ANAT Pro speakers as front channel in a 7.1 system. They are very musical and lifelike speakers.

Prior to getting the YG's, I had a complete Linn aktiv system (with the older speakers, I'm not impressed with the newer ones).

The primary appeal is how lifelike and musical they truly are. It is as if the musicians are in the room with you.

I am currently using bridged Halcro dm88s. I have also used Linn Solos, they are not difficult to drive, but they are very revealing, and respond (both good and bad) to every little change, position, electronics, cabling, etc.

They are extremely transparent and 3 dimensional. They have the most transparent and layered bass that I have ever heard in any speaker.

I remain very impressed and pleased with them. Listening to music is a joy, and movies are incredible.

I should add that the customer service, respose to questions, setup, etc. with YG is second to none! I have only praise for both the speakers and the company.
I am not an owner of a YG but I heard it last year at the Munich Show driver by an ASR Emitter, DCS Scralatti stack and Argento flow cables.

Maybe the best sound I have ever heard, completely free of colourations and distortions.

Easily the best sound of the show, even compared to the MBL system which costed 5 times more.

I don't know, I though that their claim about advanced engineering was justified from what I was listening.