Yesteryears' expensive speakers compared to modern moderately expensive speakers

For the purpose of this discussion, let’s assume that ...
Yesteryears’ -- 10 -15 years old
Expensive speakers -- $25,000+
Moderately expensive speakers -- $8,000 -- 12,000

I often wonder if it’s worth paying 50% of the original retail price for older speakers that were considered state-of-the-art and flagship during their day. So let’s say an expensive Sonus Faber was around $30,000 in 2005. The seller is asking for $10,000 in 2018. Is it worth paying the asking price, or is one better off buying, say an Olympica III, brand new for about $13-14k (maybe less with dealer discounts)?

I feel that due to trickle-down effects and manufacturing advances and efficiencies, the modern speakers are as good, if not better, than speakers that were twice or thrice the price ten to fifteen years ago. Is this a valid assertion? Or do you guys feel that speaker technology really has not advanced to that extent? In other words, is a flagship speaker worth $30k a decade ago still going to outperform a new one at half its price?

The reason I’m asking is that I am going to save some $$$ this year to buy a speaker in the range of $8000-12,000 in about 6 - 7 months. Since it’s a pretty substantial amount (for me), I am planning to do as much research and auditioning in the next few months. So might as well get started now. Given that it is really difficult to audition used speakers -- not that it’s easy to audition new ones, but at least you can if you try, should I just strike used ones (ones that were uber expensive a few years ago but more affordable now) off of my list and just focus on new?

P.S. -- I’m just using Sonus Faber to illustrate my point, otherwise, I’m very open to anything that is in that price range. I am purposely not turning this into a discussion on what I like, room size, music preferences, etc just yet since I want to stay focused on the topic -- yesteryears’ expensive speakers vs not-so-expensive modern ones.

P.S -- I understand that Tekton is going to render all other speakers obsolete in due time, and I respect the opinions of those who agree with the assertions, but please understand that it is not going to be on my list. Period. I will really appreciate if we don’t turn this thread into a Tekton battleground.

Showing 1 response by phusis

Good points made by several here.

Myself I fall in the category to assert that while technology may have advanced, in more practical terms I don’t see how it really applies to speakers that have been carefully developed, implemented and constructed to begin with - even the ones that were made many decades ago. Technological advancement, I find, is the easiest claim as a link into sonic proficiency over earlier efforts as a simple marketing ploy, while thorough care into a product, irrespective of tech stance, is probably a humbling process that would find a sellers (reductive) approach less suitable. The two are not necessarily mutually exclusive, care invested in tandem with technological aid, and when combined can make for an interesting proposition. To my mind though technology comes in handy more as a means in trying to make a more efficient production process, minimize sonic detriments due to cost cuts overall (but maintaining the same retail price, that is), reduction in size, reduce power consumption (not relevant with speakers), and along those lines. Pragmatically speaking I rarely, if ever see technology as something that elevates the sonic bar in more absolute terms in the evolution of speakers; it's rather about "keeping up" or damage reduction in light of named circumstances. 

As an example a friend of mine recently bought a some 15-17 year old pair of Peak Consult InCognito Grande for just under $4,000 (a new pair retailed for 10x that amount), and they are close to a steal at that price. Some finishing oil for the hardwood and a fitting silicon-spray gently applied to the cone and surround of the midrange and bass unit, and they're as good as new and ready for (at least) 15 more years. I'd say they demolish current speakers many times their used price (though I'm aware the used price here is hardly representative for this model, but even at $10k they'd be a good value). The more interesting question may be raised as to their worth next to current speakers that retails for the same amount as new ($40k), but I suspect they would easily stand their ground.