Yba1a versus Dodson or simular quality

Hi everyone just wondering what anyone though on upgrading .I curently have an Active linn kabers with nbs(mini-serpent11)cables and an older Yba alpha cd2 player what would be my best source? as I'am quite happy with everything else
Kg, you may be served by upgrading the Kairn's power supply to latest specs ("brilliant" I think it's called). There's a slight improvement in resolution. Also try different PC's on the Kairn and the Kabers (if you haven't already): I had found that an aftermarket PC on the Kairn opened the soundstage a bit -- even a top quality, multi-shielded Belden.
Last, check the support for the Kairn

As to musicality... do you have another source you can try? Just to determine the *relative* effects of the YBA + Kairn combination.Good luck!
I have had a YBA 3 and 2 alpha, I am now using a YBA 2-delta which in my sytem outperformed the old 1a.
I am in the process of going pack to vinyl because I miss the emotional involvement the vinyl gave me.
Hi Gregm I have the orginal yba2 not the 2a so I presume that there is a BIG difference in sound in the 1a versus what I have now and yes I can upgrade for about 2500 and my pre is a Linn Karin about 93yr.Haven't listened to anything else as yet,I live in a very remote area makes things diffucult to audition..My main concern is muscality then detail resolution and then sound staging .I listen to classial folk and voice..thanks for replying ken
Not surprisingly, the YBA1 *is* better than yr 2a. BUT, are you dissatisfied with your cdp? Your pre? What aspects of the sound?
Anyway, the resolution and musicality of the 1 is superior to the 2, as I experienced the difference at a friend's system. You can upgrade yr 2 to 1 status, apparently.

Pls note that I listen to, and thereby judge by, classical; the rest of said system is YBA->YBA->Sonus Faber.

Sorry, don't know the Dodson!