Yba amp and Classe pre-am ?

Hello, I have Classe SSP25 and I would like to buy a YBA amp for the music because I hear that YBA and Jm lab is a good combo. I already tried the Classe amp and it's very good but my friends told me that YBA is much much better. BTW, I've read all the people's reviews and all of them using YBA amp and pre-amp with Jm lab. So, what do you think? Should I buy the Classe amp or Yba amp? Please give me your inputs. The reason I picked the SSP25 pre-amp because I also want hometheater Thank you very much DT
I haven't got a straight answer for you, but the answer should really come through your own research and audition. However, I hope you won't mind if I make a few critiques on your post since you seem to be headed for possible disaster and disappointment. "...I would like to buy a YBA amp for the music because I hear that YBA and Jm lab is a good combo..." Hearsay is the worst source of information because it may not even be from a trustworthy source. It could be third or fourth hand knowledge, or even originate from a dealer for both YBA and Jm Lab. The best course is to actually go hear for yourself if it is a good combo, because individual tastes differ. "I already tried the Classe amp and it's very good but my friends told me that YBA is much much better." If your friends have got YBA gear and Jm Lab speakers, go over and listen to it. If they don't then it's hearsay (see last comment). "BTW, I've read all the people's reviews and all of them using YBA amp and pre-amp with Jm lab..." One possibility here is that both YBA and Jm Lab are made in France, and I'm sure many French people would be attracted to this combo due to better availability and prices for locals in France. However, another possibility might be that Jm Labs might use YBA electronics for voicing their speakers (YBA has their own line of speakers), so they might be some synergy between the two French makes. "The reason I picked the SSP25 pre-amp because I also want hometheater..." Are you trying to build a two channel system or home theatre? Generally speaking, home theatre preamps aren't the best choice for pure two channel systems and vice versa. Given your situation, I would opt for a Classe amp since the preamp and amp would be from the same manufacturer and have a greater chance of working well together. It would be risky to buy a YBA amp unless you can arrange to have a home audition of one first. I have heard Classe gear and YBA gear, but at different dealers on different systems and my impression is that they are voiced quite differently. I don't know how they would sound together. Good luck!