Yaqin MC-100B or Cayin A-88T - first tube amp

Hello. I will be pairing with an old set of 99db sensitivity Pioneer box speakers. They sound pretty nice and will be my speakers for awhile as I can't afford VMPS... Sources will be Rotel RCD-975 and Oracle Delphi turntable. I listen mostly to progressive rock (like Porcupine Tree) and metal/hard rock (Opeth and Queens of the Stone Age for example).

Of the two, I've already heard the Cayin A-88T at a local dealer (thumbs up to the great service from Zack at Primus Audio in Kansas City - appreciate it!). It was by far the best sounding amplifier I've heard. I am sure that I want to go with a KT88 based tube amp not solid state at this time. I was thinking about 300B for a bit but I don't think it would provide enough power and energy for the music I enjoy. The Cayin sounded amazing with Porcupine Tree. Though Yaqin seems to make some pretty good amp/pre units - especially for the price.

Anyone have any idea how they compare for the music that I listen to? Are the output transformers and caps and all comparable between the two? I wish I could hear both somehow...

Showing 1 response by plangco

I ended up happily with the Cayin A88T after swapping out a dozen or more amps solid state and tube. The Cayin may be your last amp also. It bettered for my tastes everything else. The Conrad Johnson was too smooth almost dull to me, the Cary, a little too detailed and clinical. The Cayin has a vibrant front row center real performance sound to it. It is one of the best amps out there in my opinion, at any price.

My suggested tube complement is SED KT88, Mullard CV-569 or ECC35s (european 6SL7s, these will cost but are well worth it) and RCA VT-231 (military 6SN7). If the amps seems slightly too open to you, adjust the bias from 400 to 340.