Yamamoto A-08S and Audio Note ANe

Would the Yamamoto A-O8S be able to drive Audio Note ANe LX HE speakers?

To Br3098,
It may have worked "fine" but you have not heard what the speakers are fully capable of doing.

Been there, done that.

Thank you.
Hi Glory,

I fear you are in error regarding the quality of the Yamamoto. The beauty of such an amp is the part count is very low. There is no need for lots of expensive parts, just a few well thought out ones.

Maybe it is expensive if you consider it costs around 3K for 1.4 watts!

Dont believe the hype. This little amp left many very expensive and exotic amps behind in my set up. Though my speakers are sensitive enough for the low power output.

Unfortunately I doubt the A08s would drive the ANe to loud levels, unless you have the HE model. I think you need around 100db/watt sensitivity to enjoy any 45 tube.(regardless of amp quality).
I do have the HE woofers and at some point would upgrade the internal wire to SPe. But it sounds like from this thread I should tread carefully with an amp of less than 10 watts. At least these amps would bear an audition in my room if that were ever possible

Thanls all!
A generous friend lent me his Audio Note Kit one with upgraded resistors, caps and output transformers (See my system pics). It has no problem driving my hi eff AN-e's. Startling presence and simply a "There" sound. Dynamics are excellent no sense of strain at moderate volumes.

Have been listening to small group jazz and chamber classical so far. Will try some larger orchestral and rock music at higher volumes this week.

I wonder if Paul Speltz zero transformers would fully address the impedance issue that audiofeil referred to