Yamaha PF-1000 vs Systemdek IIX ?

I am thinking of purchasing a Yamaha PF-1000 turntable to replace my Systemdek IIX. Any thoughts?

My system is:
Systemdek IIX with DL103
Jolida Envoy preamp with phono section
Canary Audio CA-301MkII tube amp
Synergistic Research Designer Ref cables
Acoustic Research AR-9 speakers (1980's model)
Marantz SA-1 cd
Nakamichi Dragon cassette
Yamaha CDR-HD1500 music server

Showing 1 response by jbaussie

I had a Systemdek for years. It sounded nice but was susceptible to vibration. As an experiment I locked it down removing its floating suspension and it sounded much better. I changed the motor and it got better, I dampened the plinth underneath, changed the arm, changed rubber feet for spikes and it now was very good.

It was also no longer what the original concept was.

I eventually tired of it's home made look from the tweaks and went to a more modern table.