Yamaha PF-1000 vs Systemdek IIX ?

I am thinking of purchasing a Yamaha PF-1000 turntable to replace my Systemdek IIX. Any thoughts?

My system is:
Systemdek IIX with DL103
Jolida Envoy preamp with phono section
Canary Audio CA-301MkII tube amp
Synergistic Research Designer Ref cables
Acoustic Research AR-9 speakers (1980's model)
Marantz SA-1 cd
Nakamichi Dragon cassette
Yamaha CDR-HD1500 music server

Showing 1 response by albertporter

The Yamaha is pretty in photos but I've never heard one. In fact, I've only seen them in brochures not in person.

Where did you find one? Can you still get belts for it? I'm pretty sure that model is belt drive.