Yamaha CD S1000 or S2100 as transport

This is for owners of the Yamaha CD S1000, S21000 or S3000 CD players. I want to use one of these as a transport-only paired with an external DAC. Since they all seem to use the same rigid aluminum transport mechanism and laser, would there be a noticeable difference in sound quality between them? I'd like to go with the S1000 since it's significantly less expensive, but I'm willing to spend more if the SQ of the S2100 or S3000 is better.

Thoughts appreciated*

* Not interested in suggestions to use a different transport than one of these three, so please stay on topic.


Showing 9 responses by output555

Jayctoy: You mean you're using the Denafrips Ares DAC with the S1000 as a transport, correct?

thetakeout: Yes, I got a very good deal on a new CD3000 and pulled the trigger. It's a massive piece of gear, built beautifully and like a tank (a graceful tank). I'm running it as a transport only and finding it quite nice. No regrets so far.

Thanks very much for the honest and thorough reply.

You have confirmed what I suspected about the S1000's transport: It's the same, but different. Given the significant price difference between the S1000 and the S2100 some compromises would have to be made besides the downgraded DAC. I've looked at photos of the innards of all three players, and there are differences in parts and architecture. The S3000 and S2100 are the more premium, the S1000 somewhat less so. That said, compared to other players in the $1500 price range, the S1000 is built like a tank.

I'm taking your advice and going for the S2100. 

Thanks again!

I totally agree. My big hesitation with the Yamahas is their spotty quality control. Lots of folks have reported problems with these units. For a product costing upwards of $6000 there should almost no issues. I have read mixed reviews about after the sale service. Some say Yamaha is great, some say the worst. I’ll keep my fingers crossed. 

Thanks for the confirmation. Yes, the S2100 is chock full o' quality parts and build. The S1000 is as well, albeit not to the same level. Too bad the DACs are quite long in the tooth.

I have looked at the Holo May; it gets many great reviews. I currently use the Gustard X26 Pro and find it quite impressive. The new X26 R2R is under consideration, having received a glowing review by SoundNews.


Thanks, but as I stated in my original post: I am not considering or soliciting recommendations for other transports or players. 

I auditioned the S1000 and was very impressed. Had I not gotten the deal on the S3000 I might have bought the S1000. It was that good as a transport.