Yamaha Amplifier Warranty Issues

My Yamaha A-S2100 integrated amplifier under warranty has been sent to an authorized Dealer for repairs, Yamaha says the parts are back ordered 10-12 weeks and some cannot be found yet. They refuse to replace with a new amp. What good is this warranty? Is'nt there anything I can do?


Showing 1 response by mike4597

Just about a decade ago, a rather expensive well-known brand, high-end home theater receiver (HTR) I purchased new failed just after the warranty had expired.  It would turn on but produced an error message I do not now recall.  A check on the web revealed this was a widespread problem.  I contacted the manufacturer’s office here in the USA and was told that the failure was due to a failed microprocessor that had gone out of production and was no longer available to them.  He asked again about warranty status, and when I told him it was months out of warranty, he very nicely apologized and said that there was nothing they could do.  I then turned to my dealer, who was very nice and sold me a name-brand, high quality HTR at a steep discount, his cost I believe, and it is still working today.  He sealed me as a customer for brands he carried, and I subsequently made other purchases from him.