Yamaha A-S 1000 & 2000 --- How Good?

These have been well reviewed, but have not seen much from owners. Has some one had a chance to listen to the Yamaha versus gear from Accuphase, Luxman, McIntosh (or smaller integrateds from LFD, Lavardin, etc.) and other top flight integrated SS contenders. I expect it would be a very solid value, especially at street prices for the Yamaha gear, but how does it fair against some if top gear out there? Love the look as an added bonus (yup, in my early 50s). Some say with their R&D prowess that can make a great piece of gear if they set their mind to it - did they do it? (As an additional bit of info - should it matter - my speakers only need 30-40 watts or so, and are very easy loads for amps - tube friendly).

Showing 1 response by kevmorse

At the current prices available for the A-S2000 if you can fine one I would snap it up. The best built and sounding amp at it's current price by a landslide. A real audiophile amp that compares impressively with the snobbiest small brands. Don't let your ego waste your money. Buy the Yammy and spend the rest on speakers.