Xmas gift suggestions

My brother has been putting together a nice little system and I would like to get him something to help out this Christmas. My budget is a few hunderd dollars.

His system includes:

Paradigm Studio 40 monitors on stands
Primaire A30 amp
Primaire Pre 30
Trigon Phono Pre
Champion 2 Turntable
Riga 300 tonearm
Blue Point Special EVO III cartridge
Siltech IC's & speaker wires
Dedicated circuits with hospital grade outlets

Any ideas?

Showing 2 responses by jdlepera

Oppo 971 DVD,SACD,DVD-Audio player and more.$150 plus shipping direct from Distributer.Great reviews! Search here for more raves about this player.Quick search of net will get you their website.Their located in Northers CA.JD