i'm w/al porter - in theory, balanced will be quieter than single-ended, but if ya got quiet single-ended awreddy, going balanced may not add any benefit. as i now have the capability to run my preamp & amps in a truly balanced configuration, & as my current single-ended i/c's between the pre & my single-ended x-over are 6m, i contacted phil marchand, the mfr of my marchand x-over, about his true balanced conwersion set-up he offers - he said don't bother if ya don't have a noise problem now...
and, jeff, were ya using the same 25' goertz cu micropurl w/rca's before? the improvement may be due to switching cabling, not necessarily due to switching to balanced from single-ended... ;~)
regards, doug s., dead-quiet w/6m single-ended i/c's