Good advice by Al to call Ayre. Most adapters do tie ground pin 1 to pin 3 as l have found, and Al has commented on other threads.
XLR to RCA interconnect. Does mixed connectors provide less noise compared RCA to RCA?
I am currently using Signal Audio Cable which is XLR to RCA. between the pre-outs of Rogue integrated amp and a Balanced Audio Technology VK-200 amp which has both XLR and RCA connectors. I
was holding out to replace the Rogue with either a BAT pre-amp with both XLR and RCA or another brand of pre-amp which is equal to the BAT. However, I got a great deal on a Conrad Johnson PV-14L SE ( with the upgraded caps) which has all RCA's.
My questions is it worth getting the same XLR to RCA to connect an Ayre CX7e mp CD player which has XLR outputs to the CJ preamp's CD inputs, or just stay with the Harmonic Technology "Truth Link" RCA to RCA IC ( previous model but highly rated) I currently use.
Is there one brand of XLR to RCA interconnects that is better sounding than others. I almost bought a Mogami XLR to RCA, but it was too long and more money. Thank you
Showing 2 responses by lowrider57
The only real benefit that you might get is if you run a true XLR cable and then use a Jenson Transformer XLR-to-RCA converterThe Jensen Iso-Max is a good device. As auxinput stated, you can use a fully balanced XLR cable from the CDP and convert the signal to RCA . The question is whether or not this will result in superior sonics compared to a good RCA interconnect. The Jensen unit does require a low to medium impedance cable be used. I found the Jensen to be very transparent sonically, so the sonic signature of the interconnects being used remain true. |