XLR & RCA caps

Does anyone use caps on the unused inputs and outputs of your components? can you hear a difference? does anyone use products like audioquests XLR caps? http://www.audioquest.com/audio-enhancements/xlr-noise-stopper-caps
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Showing 1 response by kenm80

Thanks guys, i also bought a bag of 1000 rubber white rca caps from a "seller in Taiwan" and i just picked up really nice rubber XLR cover from Neutrik like Riffer did. they were about $0.50 each. a far cry form 30.00 per pair for audioquest. Also i agree with riffer, these plugs are on the back, if they were visible then i'd look for something like the Cardas. But since the idea is to cover, and rubber is non conductive i don't see how they can be better or worse than Cardas or Audioquest.
When i get everything covered i'll post a pic and let everyone know my findings.