x-cross overs HELP

I'm looking at a new sub and eventually a seperate amp. Till then I'll be sharing the fronts amp(BAT vk200) with this new sub. This is not a powered sub and I don't think I want to use the x-over from the sub company(their x-over is optional $50). Here's the kicker, I don't know anything about x-crossovers, let alone the best way to set them up. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Just cause I own audio equip doesn't mean I understand it.
The improvement with an electronic crossover and separate amp over a passive crossover (even with biamping) is considerable. Get one as soon as you can.
I use a Marchand x9 too. I have two subs. The passive setups usually aren't real transparent. You have to pay close attention to the slope of the crossover. If the speaker is not fairly full range a first order crossover won't work real well. Contact the speaker manufacuters and if they are receptive they will tell you what you need. I contacted Martin Logan regarding one of mine and they told me the frequency and the ideal slope for this speaker the CLS2z.
i use passive subs w/an active outboard x-over - the marchand xm-9 deluxe - great product at a reasonable price. but, w/a passive sub, i don't see how yure gonna do this w/o another amp, unless there's some sorta passive low-pass filter ewe can run between the subwoofer speaker cables from the amp (run in bi-wire config.) and the subs, then running the monitors full-range, or perhaps w/a similar hi-pass filter on the monitor's speaker wires. but the only in-line filters i've seen like this are for interconnects, not speaker-wire, & ya still need two amps.