Wyred4sound STI - 500 for Magnepan speakers

Has anyone heard the Wyred4sound STI - 500 used with Magnepan speakers?

I have listened to a Krell s300i with Maggie 1.2's and thought that the 300 wpc into 4 ohms was a big improvement over my Macintosh MA 6300 at 160 wpc into 4 ohms.

However, the Krell is $2500 and the STI - 500 would be "only" $1995 but with 500 wpc into 4 ohms.

It seems people either like class D or they don't and I was wondering what drives them to which camp.

Showing 3 responses by melomaniac

been wondering the same. I have been using a bel canto integrated for a few years on my 2.5R magnepans, but might try a W4S because I feel that the maggies only sound their best with this amp above a certain volume - around 70 out of 100 (with 50 being the default when it comes on), which is not loud but for some situations and hours it's a bit more than I need.

the reviews I've seen suggest that the bel canto and the w4s implementations of ice power are different but in subtle ways, so I've hesitated to switch - in case it's only a lateral step rather than an improvement here. factors in favor of the w4s are the balanced inputs and the somewhat higher power. keep in mind it also depends on your room - some rooms would be just fine with a lower-power integrated, like the fine ayre amp, on your maggies.
- calabashak: what did you compare this setup to? what does it do particularly well?

- magfan: if I follow you correctly, you're letting a bit of air out of claims about ice power; but what's relevant is damping and control of the big mag panels, right?

are you also arguing, though, that switching from one class D amp to another isn't going to make a big difference?
well, I plumped for the sti-1000 at long last, and it arrived yesterday - the 500 is backordered and I figured the kilowatt would be sure to be different from the bel canto this integrated replaced.

at low levels, it's resolving, analytical on my magnepans. I heard things I haven't heard this way, not even on headphones. I have not yet added a sub in, just trying to see how the ribbons respond to the w4s control.

playing loud is truly a pleasure, this is where the freshly built w4s sounds a lot better than my 3yr old bel canto did - more headroom, more dynamics, and a sweeter midrange.

posters here and elsewhere on the interwebs assert or allege that ICE modules will differ subtly - and that's true, the switch from BC to W4S is not a co