wyred4sound Sonos Port - garbled noise

Hi Everybody - anyone having issues with their w4s modded Sonos Port?  Mine has started garbling/distortion at anything but the lowest volumes.  I'm guessing a recent sonos software update may have triggered it.

I've had it for a few years now, so no complaints - but wondering if anyone else is noticing the same thing, or its just my unit.




Is it doing it both on wifi and wired?   I had a regular ZP 90 network wifi card die but wired portion still works fine.  Got a old ZP90 with W4S mode still going strong after all these years.  

Also you could open a case with Sonos and see if they can run a trace.  Wont be able to help you with it of course but might be able to identify the issue.



Thanks Jbuhl - yes, it is doing it with both wired and wireless.  Tried a couple of different DAC's too to narrow down the issue.  


A ticket with Sonos may not be a bad idea.. thanks!

Strange - it looks to directly be related to the volume.  Below 25% the sound is fine, above that, it starts to get progressively more garbled until it is completely white noise at 100%.  I'm sure there is a digital explanation for this?  Bit dropping?