Wyred 4 Sound STP SE and ST-1000

Their slogan of "Rediscovering your music" is no spin. This Preamp and Amp combo are giant killers for the price. They provide exactly what your source component provides, which is all any music lover could ask. The company's component break-in time is totally accurate. Only after 300 hours will you experience what these components are capable of. I matched these with Ty Lashbrook's Linbrook Signature Monitors and two of his Subwoofers and it was a match made in musical heaven. It is not a solid state sound or tube sound, but rather a master tape sound. What more could you ask for. I'm done shoppin'!

Showing 1 response by dsper

I have a W4S STP SE and ST1000 as well.

Absolutlely love it with my Maggie 3.6's.

Thicker than lamp cord speaker wire and no special interconnects. Can change out the front end and hear the differences.