Wyred 4 Sound or PS Audio

Hello, My name is Mark and I am a hifiaholic. It has been 5.5 hours since my last purchase: W4S mAmp mono blocks with the wiring/post upgrades - these will replace a Pro-Ject Amp Box RS, my gateway drug and a well-loved member of the family; I'm still a bit unsettled about the separation.

I am also experiencing cravings to replace the preamp, also a Pro-Ject (Pre Box RS Dig) with something with HT bypass to once again make use of the extra speakers and (really good)HT receiver on hand. My dilemma is this: I have the good fortune of two great deals: a new PS Audio BHK Signature Preamp at 50% off retail, or a new W4S STP-SE Stage 2 modified Preamp for $1k less than the PS Audio. I know, such a sad story.

I have recently lucked into used PS Audio PWD MkII and PWT, and have a PS Audio NuWave Phono Converter. Seems like I'm chasing the PS Audio dragon, and my pupils do dilate when I see the BHK, but I have read such amazing things about the W4S STP - and this passive/active preamp idea is super intriguing - that it is making the decision a tough one. Would the amps have better synergy with a pre of their own kind, or would the tubes in the PS balance perfectly with the D-Class W4S? Is the PS deal just too damn good to pass up and everything else be damned, or is the W4S really the sleeper deal of century? Does anyone have any firsthand knowledge or wisdom to impart. Shouldn't there be coffee and cookies around here...


hah, you could not have picked two preamps that are more different than those!

I do not have direct experience with either of these, but the W4S STP looks like it is going to be very much like a passive preamp, but with gain applied to the voltage so that it can drive the demanding impedance of amps. This means that the STP is going to be the most transparent to the incoming sound waveforms.

The PS Audio BHK, on the other hand, has a 12AU7 tube gain stage and a Class A discrete output stage. These two stages are going to soften the "square wave" nature of the waveforms coming from the DAC. Since your PWD DAC already has a Class A output stage (and it is written that this DAC will have a slight high-frequency rolloff), pairing with the BHK might put too much of a "laid back" character on the sound (losing even more high frequency detail and clarity/punch).

I experimented for a little while with Class D amps, but discarded them when I figured out that they just did not have enough current to drive certain speakers. I don’t know your synergy, but my experience with Class D seemed like a very nice tube amp. It had a nice full midrange, but lost bass/midbass punch and high frequency excitement.

Not knowing your system or how things sound, I would probably pick the STP with your combination of equipment so that I could keep the most amount of resolution of the sound.

Thanks, Auxinput. Very informative. I decided on the mAmps because I put a class D - Peachtree SonaAmp - in my bedroom system and have been really happy with the sound. In the main system, everything ends up in Klipsch towers, so a little softening is not a bad thing there (I do love the speakers, but that horn can stand out at times). It's a tough choice, and it's easy to get lost in all the specs...and opinions. Thanks for your input!
I have I have both the P.S. Audio BHK Preamp and a W4S STI 1000 integrated. The W4S has a similar preamp to the separate unit, but not exactly the same. Do yourself a Big favor and get the P.S.Audio BHK preamp, I cannot recommend it highly enough.

 I am now retired and because time is limited I have purchased some equipment in the last few years that I felt would make my life complete before it's to late. Several purchases have been off the charts, Pass Labs xa160.5 mono blocks, BSG QOL and now the BHK preamp. WOW!

I have the good fortune to have two major systems with my other system centered around Tannoy Westminster Royals with tube electronics but if I only had one system it would have the P.S. audio BHK preamp in it.

Hope this helps.


@markkelly70 - I have had Klipsch speakers before.  I don't know if this is possible with your model, but see if you can take out the horn and apply dynamat to the backside of the horn material/plastic.  This will calm down the resonance/vibration of the horn plastic and will calm down the effect of the horn itself.