Wyred 4 sound has great customer service

I would just like to send a public kudos to a greta american made product. I bought a DAC2 form wyred several months ago but did not even open it for 4 months. I could not get it to work but I thought that I had set it up incorrectly. Two months later I tried again and realized it wasn't working. So six months after purchasing it I sent them an emali saying that they had sent me a defective unit. Sight unseen, no questions asked, no further tests the sent me a new one. They didn't even charge shipping. They didn't ask me if I had dropped it or hooked up incorrectly or used the wrong OS. They just trusted me, and sent me a brand new unit. Which by the way sounds great through the USB port. These guys are manufacturing in the US, selling at a great price, and provide unsurpassed customer service. Check them out
Thanks for this information. I'm currently researching monoblocks, and they are at the top of my list. So good to hear they stand behind their products.
Let me join in. I, too, find their products (DAC-2 and STP-500 are the ones I own) and customer service to be irreproachable.
I have to agree also and reviewed them here http://www.resellerratings.com/store/Wyred_4_Sound.

Before purchasing online I always attempt to check out http://www.resellerratings.com/ before purchasing as I have been burnt in the past.

I do not know if it is even needed on some of the companies whose items are talked about on audiogon. Though it is always nice to give feedback for a company you are happy with.