Wyred 4 Sound.....Anyone?????

Has anyone experienced Wyred 4 sounds stereo, multichannel or pre amp models. How do they compare to say, Parasound, Bryston, Nad, Boulder, Krell, Anthem, Cary Audio.etc??? Are they more geared to home theater or stereo or both??? Comments greatly appreciated..

Regards Bacardi
They are worth trying in many cases before jumping straight to more expensive monster SS amps.

Tube amp lovers will be less impressed I suspect but probably not any less than they might be with a big expensive monster ss amp, at least based on sound.

Not as pretty to look at as Mac gear for example for sure though.
For the moment tube will always sound better than SS. Why?
Heat control. Tubes can handle and dissipate heat more
efficiently than transistors which is why MOSFETS were developed in the 80's. The metal oxide in MOSFETS act as a heat sink allowing the transistor to perform at a lower temperature. Its just a matter of time when someone will invent the perfect transistor that can handle heat as well
as tubes, and when that happens tubes will become extinct.
However, the very, very expensive top SS Pre-amps in the world from FM Acoustics and Goldmund that sell for $50K and up to $150K, will bury any tube Pre-Amp on the planet.
Wyred 4 Sound as well as other companies using switching
modulation D amps, will probably advance forward enough technically over the next three years that their sonic qualities of their amps will surpass tubes. For the money,
Wyred 4 sound are currently the best ICE amps due to the 20% mods which result in a far superior treble and midrange.
I had a rotel 1075 didn't like it with my ATC's went with a mini mc5 from wyred. I have had it for 6 months and I'm very happy with it.
I have been listening to the ST-1000 for over a year and have logged over 500 hours. These amps are the bees knees. They are superior to any power SS amp I have ever heard in bass extension ans control, transparency, and sweetness of the midrange and treble. As for dynamics, they blow the doors off any SS I have ever heard; just unrestrained power with absolutely no trace of strain, congestion or grain. For the money, these amps are a screaming bargain.

People amaze me when they obsess about these tiny differences in sound between amps. In it's operating range, unstressed, the ST-1000 sounds similar enough to my Sumo, Classe and B&K amps that I doubt that I could distinguish between them in blind tests. However, I am sure that on recordings that tax the amp (concert volume full orchestral and organ recordings) I could distinguish between the ST-1000 and the SS amps - the difference is at the power margins and that is the difference between good reproduction and superlative reproduction that approaches the absolute sound.
I have the SX-1000 monos amps paired up with Joule LA-150 MKII with Salk HT3 speakers and Cary CD-306 SACD cd player. The Wyred more than holds it own with these Class A components (IMHO).

I highly recomend these amps, you can't go wrong with the quality and the price.
