Wyetech Jade and TRL Dude

Has anyone had the opportunity to compare these two preamps? would appreciate any comments.



Showing 4 responses by garyjames

Thanks, this is helpful (and i did read the review). I am trying to place these (absolutely and relatively) along the neutrality scale, so this helps. i tend to like the less neutral.

Thanks Grannyring. I thought it was a long shot, but does not hurt to ask, and i still learn things from posts like yours

Thanks for the responses and the offer for audition (i am in Wash DC area). I ordered the TRL, although with no firm conviction that one is better than the other (i considered the used jade that is listed but it was gone by the time i inquiried). There do not think that there is a bad choice here -- we shall see.

Agear, i recently got some NOS Sylvania 6sn7 Wgt for my amps (description here about 1/3 way down http://www.audiotubes.com/6sn7.htm). They are a military tube i think. Just tremendous dynamics and nice base. FWIIW. My dealer likes the RCAs and i have some of them as well; find the sylvania's a little sweeter, but all is a matter of taste.

I have been lucky that a local dealer i have bought things from has let me demo most things in my home, from cables to preamps and amps. a couple of weeks ago i home-demoed a pre-amp he built from all vintage parts old using western electric 311 tubes. unreal, but also real expensive. but it is a pleasure to have a place where you can hear that kind of stuff and someone you can rely on