www.high-endaudio.com & Arthur Salvatore

I just stumbled on this web site while googling and surfing. He has some interesting things to say, and I examined his "Recommended Components" list with interest.

Question: Accepting the premise that one man's opinion is exactly that, has anyone here confirmed or disagreed with 1) his equipment observations, 2) his views on the state of audio journalism?

Showing 1 response by sutts

I own a pair of his recommended amps- rebuilt/highly modded Altec Lansing 1570BT monoblocks (165 wpc in triode using only a pair of 811's per channel). They are superb from top to bottom of the frequency spectrum. I also owned another pair of his class 'A' modded Golden Tube Audio amps, but had to sell because not enough power for my application- they were incredible though- utmost grainless purity... so yes- in my opinion, many of his recommendations are excellent (including Coincident cabling, which I also use and speak highly of).